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Church Leadership Workshops

The relationships between clergy and lay leadership, as well as between lay leaders themselves, often define whether a congregation is largely dysfunctional or if they are leaning into their collective vision and ministries. Further, the leadership dynamics between a pastor and key laity are frequently a key determinant of the level of congregational support the pastor receives, as well as how much satisfaction the pastor takes from his or her calling.


Northern ELM Mentoring Group customizes and conducts Leadership and Management Workshops to help pastors to empower their lay leadership teams and to strengthen the key working relationships between laity and clergy, as well as between congregational leaders. These sessions are uniquely designed to meet the specific opportunities or challenges you and your team may be facing and are often utilize personalized assessments to identify the management, personality and conflict management styles that you and your team tend to utilize. As a result of the improved awareness of each individual’s strengths and weaknesses, how your styles impact and interact with others around you, and the advantages and challenges of your informal culture (as defined by your collective styles), you and your team leave the workshop with clear insights to strengthen your team’s collaboration, communication and collective impact.  

Chris Clark of Northern ELM Mentoring Group is a certified facilitator for the Everything DiSC Personality Assessment and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Management Instrument, both of which are world class tools to help identify and internalize individual and group leadership and engagement styles.   Workshops can be conducted either in person or via Zoom. Workshops are offered on a pro-bono basis, with the request that a sponsoring church would prayerfully consider donating to Silver Bay YMCA’s Pastoral Respite Program in lieu of honoraria. Sponsoring churches are asked to reimburse for the cost of any assessments incorporated into the engagement, (typically ranging from $60 to $125 per person, depending on the assessments requested).  

Learn more about Church Leadership Workshops


  • Everything DiSC is a registered trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Management Instrument (TKI) is a registered trademark of Kilmann Diagnostics, LLC.

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