Spiritual Direction
In the hectic environment of ministry, one area of self-care that many clergy often unintentionally sacrifice is their spiritual health and wellness. This can create a cascading set of challenges in your calling, in your relationships, and in your life. Engaging a spiritual companion -- a trained spiritual director -- to help you to quiet internal and external noises and truly listen to discern the Spirit’s presence and direction in your life can be a tremendously valuable self-care strategy. Spiritual direction essentially helps you to fine-tune your personal “radio” to better recognize the Spirit’s movement and calling, and to better listen for God’s still, small voice.
Chris Clark, founder and principal of Northern Elm Mentoring Group, has been certified as a spiritual director through the School of Sustainable Faith and is well-versed in a wide range of spiritual practices and spiritual direction approaches. He is actively walking alongside a number of pastors as a spiritual director, accompanying them on their spiritual journeys and helping them to recognize and discern God’s presence in their ministry and in their lives.
Spiritual direction sessions are typically conducted monthly via Zoom and are provided on a pro-bono basis. Directees are invited to prayerfully consider a donation to Silver Bay YMCA’s Pastoral Respite Program in lieu of direction fees.