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Our Background

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Chris Clark is a strategic, passionate, faith-based, retired executive with over 20 years of executive leadership with a successful global med-tech company, as well as extensive lay leadership experience.


Chris seeks to help address what he refers to as “The Crisis in Comprehensive Pastoral Health” through public and lay advocacy, and by walking alongside pastors in individual mentoring relationships focused on providing leadership and management insights.


Mentoring engagements are customized to every pastor’s unique situations and skills, helping to affirm their pastoral calling and make their leadership and management efforts more fruitful and personally rewarding.  â€‹

Key Areas of Expertise

  • Mentoring and developing leaders and support staff, including recognizing and building on individual gifts and strengths, as well as setting and aligning expectations


  • Leadership, including change management, developing influence skills and leading through adversity


  • Principle-based decision making and communication processes


  • Personnel management, including creating and strengthening teams, developing coaching skills, building confidence to address challenging personnel situations, and broadening personal leadership styles to best empower others


  • Defining and implementing customized management processes to maximize the effectiveness of specific individuals and critical relationships, as well as to implement key initiatives


  • Strategic approach to conflict management and addressing difficult interpersonal engagements


  • Strategic planning and building strategic buy-in and alignment from others


  • Comprehensive Board engagement in both business and lay leadership settings


  • Certification in DiSC Leadership/Personality and Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Management instruments


  • Certified spiritual director through the School of Sustainable Faith

Professional Experience

Northern ELM Mentoring Group (Equipping Leaders in Ministry) (2020 – present)

  • Principal and founder, focused on pastoral mentoring and advocacy


Dentsply Sirona/Dentsply International (1992-2017)

  • Increasing levels of leadership and responsibility, including President & Chief Operating Officer, as well as President & Chief Financial Officer


Procter & Gamble (1986-1992)

  • Increasing levels of brand management responsibility, including Brand Manager, Crest Toothpaste

Lay Leadership Experience

First Presbyterian Church, York, PA

  • Elder (3 terms); Member, Personnel Committee (10+ years); Member, Vision Leadership Team; Jr. High Sunday School Teacher (10+ years)


Knox Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, OH

  • Deacon; Volunteer Youth Leader


Columbia University Graduate School of Business

  • MBA in Marketing and Finance


Harvard University

  • BA in Economics, Magna Cum Laude

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